Joining the Bitsler Telegram Group for Bonus Shares and Updates

Bitsler is a popular online casino that offers players a wide variety of games, including slots, card games, dice, and more. The Bitsler Telegram group is an active community of users who communicate with each other to exchange tips, strategies, and updates about the platform. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can join the Bitsler Telegram group and take advantage of bonus shares.

How to Join the Bitsler Telegram Group?

Joining the Bitsler Telegram group is easy. All you need to do is visit their official website or download their app from Google Play or Apple App Store. Once you’re on their website or app, click on “Contact Us” at the bottom right corner of your screen. You will be directed to a page where you can find information about their support channels. Scroll down until you see “Telegram.” Click on it and you’ll be taken to their official chat room. Once there, click on “Join Now” and follow the instructions given by their moderators.

Benefits of Joining Bitsler Telegram Group

By joining the Bitsler Telegram group, you will gain access to exclusive bonuses such as free spins and bonus shares for playing their games. The chatroom also serves as an open forum for users where they can discuss tips and strategies for winning at various games offered by Bitsler. In addition, members are kept up-to-date with all changes made to the platform so they can stay informed about any new features added or changes made in existing ones.

There’s also a special section dedicated to customer support where users can ask questions related to their account or any technical issues they may be facing while using the platform. The support team is active 24/7 so any queries or concerns raised by members are taken care of quickly and efficiently.


Joining the Bitsler Telegram group is a great way for players to stay up-to-date with all developments related to the platform as well as take advantage of exclusive bonuses offered by them. By joining this vibrant community of players, one can learn valuable strategies for winning at various games available on this platform as well as get help from customer support if needed. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start enjoying all these benefits!